Team 1422 - The Neon Knights (2016)

2016 Robot: Eagle VI

2016 Sponsors: Professional Engineers in California Government / NASA - The Robotics Alliance Project / Valley Chrome / Excelsior Metals, Inc. / Milne Photography / Robotics Workshop / Divine Logic / Bone Construction - Airport Specialities / SolidWorks / California State University Fresno / E and T Electric & Clovis West High

Regional Rankings

Team 1422's 2016 Awards

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Central Valley Regional

  March 10 to March 13, 2016

Qualification Matches
Rank: 32 of 49
Record: 4 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 7 (B) Sat 3/12 - 10:19 AM 1458 3303 1422 751 8 4543 48 47
Qualification 16 (C) Sat 3/12 - 11:33 AM 1671 1422 5458 4135 3859 3189 85 34
Qualification 24 (D) Sat 3/12 - 1:56 PM 585 1671 1967 649 1422 3501 67 53
Qualification 33 (B) Sat 3/12 - 3:15 PM 1422 5817 4990 3970 5104 1323 60 81
Qualification 38 (B) Sat 3/12 - 3:56 PM 1422 2761 5677 1458 670 4255 66 49
Qualification 48 (C) Sat 3/12 - 5:17 PM 4973 2813 972 5137 751 1422 48 71
Qualification 54 (D) Sat 3/12 - 7:01 PM 5852 1662 3045 972 1422 5104 86 62
Qualification 65 (B) Sun 3/13 - 10:02 AM 1422 2135 1662 5136 3303 1671 69 112
Qualification 70 (B) Sun 3/13 - 10:55 AM 4171 701 5134 1422 6059 4543 74 58
Qualification 75 (C) Sun 3/13 - 11:31 AM 4711 5496 1422 2073 3482 701 64 117
Playoff Matches