Team 1690 - Orbit (2016)

2016 Robot: Skyzer

2016 Sponsors: BIG Pardes Hanna / Israel Aerospace Industries / Binyamina - Givat Ada Local Council / Ministry of Education / Qualcomm Israel / ARAN / Raphael - valves industries / Afikim - Electric Vehicles / SCOPUSTECH / Signet Tools / Alubin / SolidWorks & ort binyamina

Regional Rankings

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Israel Regional

  March 8 to March 10, 2016

Qualification Matches
Rank: 8 of 63
Record: 6 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5 (C) Tue 3/8 - 5:49 PM 1943 2630 1690 6230 2212 5654 122 68
Qualification 13 (D) Tue 3/8 - 7:31 PM 3065 6168 1580 4416 3388 1690 37 83
Qualification 31 (B) Wed 3/9 - 12:11 PM 6104 4406 1690 2230 4338 5291 100 59
Qualification 36 (B) Wed 3/9 - 1:02 PM 2231 1573 5038 1942 3339 1690 82 142
Qualification 43 (C) Wed 3/9 - 2:19 PM 1690 1937 4319 4586 6149 4757 107 52
Qualification 54 (D) Wed 3/9 - 4:19 PM 1690 6049 4320 1574 3075 5636 56 77
Qualification 65 (A) Wed 3/9 - 6:34 PM 5614 4649 4319 4744 3034 1690 55 94
Qualification 79 (B) Wed 3/9 - 8:46 PM 1690 4586 3368 5928 1577 5990 74 83
Qualification 91 (D) Thu 3/10 - 11:18 AM 1942 5951 2679 1690 4784 5715 69 67
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 1 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 (A) Thu 3/10 - 1:37 PM 1690 3339 4744 5135 1657 4586 145 88
Quarterfinal 5 (B) 1690 3339 4744 5135 1657 4586 105 120
Tiebreaker 1 (B) 1690 3339 4744 5135 1657 4586 151 110
Semifinal 1 (C) 1690 3339 4744 5554 2230 2212 180 95
Semifinal 3 (C) 1690 3339 4744 5554 2230 2212 175 110
Final 1 (D) 1690 3339 4744 5038 2630 1937 175 136
Final 2 (D) 1690 3339 4744 5038 2630 1937 132 122

FIRST Championship - Tesla Subdivision

  April 27 to April 30, 2016

Qualification Matches
Rank: 4 of 75
Record: 9 Wins, 1 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3 (B) Thu 4/28 - 8:49 AM 1690 5915 3303 2337 5912 74 117 106
Qualification 13 (C) Thu 4/28 - 10:11 AM 3044 2056 1690 4401 5030 5114 177 117
Qualification 26 (D) Thu 4/28 - 1:33 PM 2194 3015 3303 1690 433 5016 90 126
Qualification 41 (A) Thu 4/28 - 3:30 PM 1250 1690 3238 1756 177 329 135 109
Qualification 55 (B) Fri 4/29 - 8:02 AM 4905 1690 5053 2451 1675 1405 99 124
Qualification 73 (D) Fri 4/29 - 10:30 AM 423 1690 5854 3158 537 111 134 80
Qualification 83 (D) Fri 4/29 - 11:42 AM 781 3238 3245 1690 272 33 111 187
Qualification 89 (A) Fri 4/29 - 12:23 PM 604 5804 6219 4468 3853 1690 93 152
Qualification 102 (B) Fri 4/29 - 3:51 PM 1690 1806 2834 548 5439 66 190 102
Qualification 120 (C) Fri 4/29 - 6:04 PM 5437 2522 2783 1690 4391 2619 130 142
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 1 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 (A) Sat 4/30 - 9:33 AM 1690 2056 3015 3238 74 2054 250 130
Quarterfinal 5 (B) 1690 2056 3015 4468 74 2054 205 169
Semifinal 1 (C) 1690 2056 3015 2415 3130 3042 165 180
Semifinal 3 (C) 1405 2056 1690 2415 3130 3042 207 180
Tiebreaker 1 (C) 1690 2056 1405 2415 3130 3042 209 145
Final 1 (D) 1690 2056 3015 2834 33 1756 225 160
Final 2 (D) 1690 2056 3015 2834 33 1756 210 170

FIRST Championship

  April 27 to April 30, 2016

Playoff Matches
Record: 5 Wins and 3 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Tesla

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 4 (A) Sat 4/30 - 3:32 PM 5050 1986 1501 1690 2056 3015 240 204
Quarterfinal 8 (B) 5050 1986 1501 1690 2056 3015 220 230
Tiebreaker 4 (B) 5050 1986 1501 1690 2056 3015 210 222
Semifinal 2 (C) 195 1197 987 1690 2056 1405 170 222
Semifinal 4 (C) 195 1197 987 1690 2056 1405 175 207
Final 1 (D) 120 2481 330 1690 2056 1405 205 197
Final 2 (D) 120 2481 330 1690 2056 1405 215 225
Tiebreaker (D) 120 2481 330 1690 2056 1405 225 225