Team 5783 - RoboDucks (2016)

2016 Robot: Lord Quackers

2016 Sponsors: URENCO USA/Eunice Public Schools/Cardinal Hardware & Eunice High

Regional Rankings

Team 5783's 2016 Awards

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Hub City Regional

  March 31 to April 3, 2016

Qualification Matches
Rank: 25 of 40
Record: 6 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4 (B) Sat 4/2 - 9:33 AM 5613 2723 5783 3802 4364 5572 72 82
Qualification 11 (C) Sat 4/2 - 10:43 AM 4300 4734 2158 4301 5783 5888 88 41
Qualification 15 (D) Sat 4/2 - 11:15 AM 4717 4063 3802 5783 2158 4959 84 80
Qualification 26 (B) Sat 4/2 - 1:39 PM 5783 3310 3802 4852 4635 3043 112 40
Qualification 32 (C) Sat 4/2 - 2:44 PM 2723 1828 3481 5783 3043 5212 69 15
Qualification 39 (D) Sat 4/2 - 3:44 PM 4635 4694 1828 3366 5783 1987 65 100
Qualification 47 (A) Sat 4/2 - 4:48 PM 418 4522 5613 4799 5783 1164 111 48
Qualification 53 (B) Sat 4/2 - 5:33 PM 4570 5783 4635 5888 6144 1817 51 47
Qualification 59 (C) Sun 4/3 - 9:32 AM 4734 457 2723 5312 4063 5783 67 74
Qualification 63 (D) Sun 4/3 - 10:06 AM 5783 4298 457 4301 5866 5613 88 68
Qualification 70 (A) Sun 4/3 - 10:58 AM 5986 5783 5572 5437 4570 4298 90 98
Qualification 74 (B) Sun 4/3 - 11:32 AM 5771 4717 5866 4734 5783 5437 54 102
Playoff Matches