Team 254 - The Cheesy Poofs (2017)

2017 Robot: Misfire
2017 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston
Pre-Qualified: Team 254 is Pre-Qualified for the 2017 FIRST Championship

2017 Sponsors: NASA/NASA Ames Research Center/Apple/Google/Innovation First International/Analog Devices/AMEX Plating/BAE Systems/The Wong Family/Brin Wojcicki Foundation/Lockheed Martin/West Coast Products/Qualcomm/Intuitive Surgical/Cisco/Gilbert Spray Coat/Applied Welding/Dropbox/Orange Vise Company/Four-D Metal Finishing/Vivid-Hosting & Bellarmine College Preparatory

Regional Rankings

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San Francisco Regional

  March 16 to March 19, 2017

Qualification Matches
Rank: 1 of 41
Record: 10 Wins, 0 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4   Sat 3/18 - 9:36 AM 604 254 5700 4270 4765 5430 363 95
Qualification 10   Sat 3/18 - 10:24 AM 668 5700 2437 5499 4669 254 95 287
Qualification 18   Sat 3/18 - 11:36 AM 1280 4669 2905 6429 3482 254 145 211
Qualification 23   Sat 3/18 - 1:24 PM 4186 5507 581 254 2905 6418 215 273
Qualification 34   Sat 3/18 - 3:03 PM 254 4186 5924 5026 766 2854 219 165
Qualification 40   Sat 3/18 - 3:54 PM 5419 812 6472 581 254 841 195 213
Qualification 46   Sat 3/18 - 4:42 PM 4904 668 254 1726 3482 766 340 195
Qualification 49   Sat 3/18 - 5:06 PM 6036 254 5940 5924 4159 3256 325 260
Qualification 59   Sun 3/19 - 10:07 AM 1458 4159 254 971 5507 6662 283 228
Qualification 66   Sun 3/19 - 11:09 AM 6506 5507 254 766 4973 4904 257 145
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1   Sun 3/19 - 1:17 PM 4990 254 971 5940 6036 5924 319 310
Quarterfinal 5   4990 254 971 5940 6036 5924 366 145
Semifinal 1   4990 254 971 4904 1458 5026 382 140
Semifinal 3   4990 254 971 4904 1458 5026 336 215
Final 1   4990 254 971 3256 604 2035 354 330
Final 2   4990 254 971 3256 604 2035 274 255

Silicon Valley Regional

  March 29 to April 1, 2017

Qualification Matches
Rank: 1 of 60
Record: 8 Wins, 1 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 7   Fri 3/31 - 9:42 AM 668 5924 192 670 114 254 217 321
Qualification 16   Fri 3/31 - 10:59 AM 8 6665 254 5773 2035 5905 333 188
Qualification 26   Fri 3/31 - 1:03 PM 4904 1868 5026 6688 254 3482 345 274
Qualification 31   Fri 3/31 - 1:42 PM 1351 5773 254 6410 5940 256 268 145
Qualification 50   Fri 3/31 - 4:01 PM 2643 5027 6039 254 100 841 220 383
Qualification 60   Fri 3/31 - 5:17 PM 254 115 2135 4186 253 299 386 235
Qualification 69   Sat 4/1 - 9:37 AM 2813 254 4990 5737 5677 115 322 240
Qualification 79   Sat 4/1 - 10:53 AM 4255 841 5728 751 6418 254 145 386
Qualification 88   Sat 4/1 - 12:01 PM 199 972 5171 766 254 6380 195 354
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1   Sat 4/1 - 1:43 PM 4990 254 604 972 3482 1868 391 255
Quarterfinal 5   4990 254 604 972 3482 1868 507 285
Semifinal 1   4990 254 604 4904 100 5026 509 310
Semifinal 3   4990 254 604 4904 100 5026 467 255
Final 1   4990 254 604 8 2473 5677 506 200
Final 2   4990 254 604 8 2473 5677 522 285

FIRST Championship - St. Louis - Daly Subdivision

  April 26 to April 29, 2017

Qualification Matches
Rank: 2 of 68
Record: 7 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 9 Thu 4/27 - 9:44 AM 2614 1285 5895 1923 254 5509 271 413
Qualification 22 Thu 4/27 - 1:25 PM 6651 6328 6490 3618 254 2767 255 466
Qualification 29 Thu 4/27 - 2:32 PM 254 4242 5436 1481 2164 5976 414 345
Qualification 40 Thu 4/27 - 4:05 PM 3755 5406 254 2960 2062 5690 366 373
Qualification 51 Fri 4/28 - 8:01 AM 254 4226 4085 107 4859 5675 264 300
Qualification 62 Fri 4/28 - 9:25 AM 2181 5436 85 254 2830 156 295 384
Qualification 71 Fri 4/28 - 10:38 AM 910 5173 45 254 1718 708 234 386
Qualification 91 Fri 4/28 - 3:21 PM 5690 254 75 6763 27 894 409 337
Qualification 96 Fri 4/28 - 3:58 PM 254 244 1262 3620 66 333 345 375
Qualification 107 Fri 4/28 - 5:30 PM 5846 694 5442 141 254 238 335 366
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sat 4/29 - 9:29 AM 862 2767 254 1718 340 75 522 395
Quarterfinal 5 862 2767 254 1718 340 75 509 445
Semifinal 1 862 2767 254 141 3620 2164 550 445
Semifinal 3 862 2767 254 2960 3620 2164 528 395
Final 1 862 2767 254 27 4678 4976 371 230
Final 2 1676 2767 254 27 4678 4976 355 334

FIRST Championship - St. Louis

  April 26 to April 29, 2017

Playoff Matches
Record: 5 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Daly
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Einstein 3 Sat 4/29 - 3:31 PM 1241 384 2056 254 2767 862 506 535
Einstein 5 2084 3452 3683 254 2767 862 354 547
Einstein 7 67 1058 2137 254 2767 862 399 315
Einstein 11 1676 2767 254 5687 125 1796 542 500
Einstein 15 1676 2767 254 3310 1986 3719 532 535
Einstein Final 1 3719 1986 3310 254 2767 1676 478 494
Einstein Final 2 3719 1986 3310 254 2767 1676 543 546

Festival of Champions

  July 28 to July 29, 2017

Qualification Matches
Playoff Matches
Record: 3 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of St. Louis
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Final 1   Sat 7/29 - 11:20 AM 1011 5499 973 254 2767 1676 508 342
Final 2   1011 5499 973 254 2767 1676 492 428
Final 3   1011 5499 973 254 2767 862 459 485
Final 4   1011 5499 973 254 2767 862 539 555
Final 5   1011 5499 973 254 2767 862 310 588