Team 6058 - ROBOTURK (2017)

İSOV Dinçkök Mesleki ve Teknik Lisesi

From: Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey
Rookie Year: 2016

2017 Robot: ROBOTURK
2017 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston
2017 Sponsors: ISOV&İSOV Dinçkök Mesleki ve Teknik Lisesi

Regional Rankings

Team 6058's 2017 Awards

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Hudson Valley Regional

  March 23 to March 26, 2017

Qualification Matches
Rank: 48 of 48
Record: 1 Wins, 9 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4 Sat 3/25 - 9:25 AM 303 369 1923 1382 527 6058 305 140
Qualification 13 Sat 3/25 - 10:44 AM 639 3419 2869 6058 6648 6300 325 135
Qualification 18 Sat 3/25 - 11:35 AM 1156 3204 6058 20 6024 1635 165 280
Qualification 26 Sat 3/25 - 1:26 PM 6058 353 3314 527 6636 2869 296 195
Qualification 35 Sat 3/25 - 2:45 PM 5814 4571 2601 6058 2869 2875 235 140
Qualification 43 Sat 3/25 - 3:48 PM 1796 2875 250 6058 303 1880 347 190
Qualification 49 Sat 3/25 - 4:36 PM 5016 6058 2265 6300 810 353 230 255
Qualification 63 Sun 3/26 - 9:20 AM 1665 3004 5123 4122 6058 639 166 140
Qualification 67 Sun 3/26 - 9:48 AM 6058 5943 5599 2872 2265 3314 180 267
Qualification 79 Sun 3/26 - 11:15 AM 6593 6058 3950 395 6401 1155 205 215
Playoff Matches