Team Avatar Team 604 - Quixilver (2018)

2018 Robot: Quickswitch
2018 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston
2018 Sponsors: Leland High School FRC Team 604 Quixilver/IBM/Team Grandma/BAE Systems/Qualcomm/Western Digital/Intuitive Surgical/Stryker/Almaden Valley Women's Club/Silicon Valley Community Foundation/Leland Bridge/Exatron/NVIDIA/GitHub/SOLIDWORKS/Dropbox/Hurricane Electric&Leland High

Regional Rankings

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San Francisco Regional

  March 15 to March 18, 2018

Qualification Matches
Rank: 2 of 43
Record: 9 Wins, 1 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3   Sat 3/17 - 9:28 AM 971 5940 5499 5430 604 4159 238 247
Qualification 10   Sat 3/17 - 10:20 AM 5430 6418 4765 2551 604 3880 181 346
Qualification 15   Sat 3/17 - 11:11 AM 604 2383 5026 5507 5104 766 378 144
Qualification 26   Sat 3/17 - 1:58 PM 2489 7137 100 972 604 2854 306 265
Qualification 36   Sat 3/17 - 3:21 PM 6814 6962 6718 604 5507 7137 106 383
Qualification 40   Sat 3/17 - 3:52 PM 5993 2489 604 766 4669 4186 388 223
Qualification 44   Sat 3/17 - 4:26 PM 5104 604 973 5924 6415 4669 482 252
Qualification 51   Sun 3/18 - 8:55 AM 649 6962 604 6981 5993 973 401 307
Qualification 59   Sun 3/18 - 10:03 AM 5700 1458 253 604 5924 4904 190 374
Qualification 65   Sun 3/18 - 10:51 AM 6665 2551 6662 581 6036 604 232 352
Playoff Matches
Record: 4 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 2

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 3   Sun 3/18 - 1:59 PM 2383 604 100 2854 4159 5104 248 157
Quarterfinal 7   2383 604 100 2854 4159 5104 402 186
Semifinal 2   2383 604 100 649 5026 5507 381 172
Semifinal 4   2383 604 100 649 5026 5507 456 122
Final 1   971 973 972 2383 604 100 420 220
Final 2   971 973 972 2383 604 100 383 169

Silicon Valley Regional

  March 28 to March 31, 2018

Qualification Matches
Rank: 15 of 60
Record: 7 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 7 Fri 3/30 - 2:56 AM 2144 6039 604 6238 2473 3132 540 240
Qualification 12   Fri 3/30 - 10:39 AM 6884 253 6036 2367 604 8 217 540
Qualification 23   Fri 3/30 - 12:05 PM 604 581 7245 841 2489 6688 350 188
Qualification 40   Fri 3/30 - 2:55 PM 2135 604 6619 7245 852 4186 384 196
Qualification 47   Fri 3/30 - 3:44 PM 254 6883 1700 604 2643 253 397 213
Qualification 58   Fri 3/30 - 4:59 PM 604 4255 670 5171 5737 4990 352 294
Qualification 69   Sat 3/31 - 9:32 AM 7308 6410 6814 4973 6036 604 140 396
Qualification 79   Sat 3/31 - 10:43 AM 7308 604 6665 6418 846 668 221 401
Qualification 90   Sat 3/31 - 12:02 PM 1351 3482 5027 6303 5924 604 249 398
Playoff Matches
Record: 2 Wins and 3 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 2   Sat 3/31 - 1:48 PM 1072 383 192 604 5499 1868 249 394
Quarterfinal 6   1072 383 192 604 5499 1868 291 261
Tiebreaker 2   1072 383 192 604 5499 1868 163 329
Semifinal 1   973 254 2367 604 5499 1868 400 245
Semifinal 3   973 254 2367 604 5499 1868 441 124

FIRST Championship - Houston

  April 18 to April 21, 2018

FIRST Championship - Houston - Newton Subdivision

  April 18 to April 21, 2018

Qualification Matches
Rank: 31 of 67
Record: 6 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4   Thu 4/19 - 8:59 AM 3501 5663 4576 7303 7190 604 340 254
Qualification 22   Thu 4/19 - 12:59 PM 6424 4468 604 5802 1251 6645 463 304
Qualification 27   Thu 4/19 - 1:43 PM 604 118 6510 1982 3473 3310 382 268
Qualification 38   Thu 4/19 - 3:06 PM 6871 2980 971 604 1868 5726 322 187
Qualification 53   Fri 4/20 - 8:14 AM 832 7134 3140 5104 604 968 306 368
Qualification 60   Fri 4/20 - 9:02 AM 2905 7137 1723 604 3737 6645 252 294
Qualification 73   Fri 4/20 - 10:31 AM 5654 7128 604 4125 5554 2367 325 397
Qualification 87   Fri 4/20 - 2:11 PM 4468 6891 7190 1011 604 6844 266 463
Qualification 92   Fri 4/20 - 2:46 PM 604 3158 5554 5199 6814 3128 402 401
Qualification 112   Fri 4/20 - 5:09 PM 1982 604 6871 2840 3481 1619 302 400
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 8

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1   Sat 4/21 - 9:32 AM 3128 118 3310 604 1011 5104 506 172
Quarterfinal 5   3128 118 3310 604 1011 5104 446 243