Team Avatar Team 5026 - Iron Panthers (2019)

2019 Robot: Guillotine
2019 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition
2019 Sponsors: Google/BAE/Intuitive Surgical/Datron/OSIsoft/Solidworks/San Mateo Union High School Gate Parents Group/Iron Panther Families&Burlingame High

Regional Rankings

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Central Valley Regional

  March 6 to March 9, 2019

Qualification Matches
Rank: 3 of 49
Record: 9 Wins, 1 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 8   Fri 3/8 - 10:29 AM 5852 5026 2813 1967 6981 6241 35 6
Qualification 12   Fri 3/8 - 11:03 AM 5458 585 1967 5026 3970 3189 15 52
Qualification 19   Fri 3/8 - 12:08 PM 751 7663 5274 5728 5458 5026 20 62
Qualification 33   Fri 3/8 - 2:54 PM 1422 5461 1662 6657 5026 1678 29 82
Qualification 41   Fri 3/8 - 4:05 PM 6884 3669 3970 1323 5026 6926 45 62
Qualification 46   Fri 3/8 - 4:49 PM 6711 7413 5026 1671 2135 7589 56 30
Qualification 54   Fri 3/8 - 6:08 PM 1323 6506 1678 5026 1388 6241 89 39
Qualification 62   Sat 3/9 - 10:11 AM 5026 1967 4698 2854 5104 766 53 44
Qualification 66   Sat 3/9 - 10:52 AM 7057 2489 1072 3303 5026 5134 54 70
Qualification 75   Sat 3/9 - 12:09 PM 766 4135 5026 3257 701 1280 74 56
Playoff Matches
Record: 4 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 2

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 3   Sat 3/9 - 2:34 PM 1072 5026 4135 1662 4698 1388 78 59
Quarterfinal 7   1072 5026 4135 1662 4698 1388 80 63
Semifinal 2   1072 5026 4135 3303 2813 3970 64 58
Semifinal 4   1072 5026 4135 3303 2813 3970 73 41
Final 1   1678 1323 7663 1072 5026 4135 93 73
Final 2   1678 1323 7663 1072 5026 4135 94 57

Silicon Valley Regional

  March 28 to March 31, 2019

Qualification Matches
Rank: 25 of 59
Record: 3 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 6   Sat 3/30 - 9:45 AM 2473 5026 581 256 6619 5171 81 52
Qualification 12   Sat 3/30 - 10:41 AM 6036 3482 2489 1351 5773 5026 53 32
Qualification 30   Sat 3/30 - 1:42 PM 4159 254 6970 4171 4990 5026 73 66
Qualification 37   Sat 3/30 - 2:33 PM 6039 5026 4973 846 7736 7445 49 79
Qualification 49   Sat 3/30 - 4:14 PM 4255 2220 4186 4669 5026 8 49 66
Qualification 54 Sat 3/30 - 4:49 PM 5026 7445 6970 668 604 8 65 76
Qualification 64   Sat 3/30 - 5:57 PM 2035 5737 5026 199 5499 2135 55 57
Qualification 77   Sun 3/31 - 10:28 AM 5026 668 5171 1868 192 649 68 85
Qualification 83   Sun 3/31 - 11:13 AM 5026 6036 751 840 5171 6241 62 44
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 2   Sun 3/31 - 1:42 PM 972 604 7308 5026 199 192 84 49
Quarterfinal 6   972 604 7308 5026 199 192 73 72

FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition - Newton Subdivision

  April 17 to April 20, 2019

Qualification Matches
Rank: 21 of 67
Record: 5 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2   Fri 4/19 - 12:19 PM 4153 5026 7843 1323 180 3005 71 112
Qualification 14   Fri 4/19 - 12:52 PM 5109 5437 3598 5026 3005 6841 77 78
Qualification 24   Thu 4/18 - 1:23 PM 6833 5026 4265 2073 4068 1540 70 111
Qualification 44   Thu 4/18 - 5:12 PM 3045 6429 5026 3354 1706 7653 53 65
Qualification 49 Thu 4/18 - 5:47 PM 5052 7042 6652 5026 6068 5312 46 76
Qualification 57   Fri 4/19 - 8:45 AM 5312 2659 538 2682 5026 1539 80 57
Qualification 77   Fri 4/19 - 11:09 AM 5026 6059 7667 5854 5499 1902 74 66
Qualification 83   Fri 4/19 - 11:46 AM 7161 2073 5026 1806 4415 1983 84 66
Qualification 90   Fri 4/19 - 2:38 PM 1817 233 973 6200 5015 5026 93 73
Qualification 107   Fri 4/19 - 4:46 PM 7500 3674 3374 5026 932 604 53 75
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 1 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1   Sat 4/20 - 9:34 AM 1323 5026 973 624 7887 932 128 50
Semifinal 1   1323 5026 973 846 1806 842 109 91
Semifinal 3   1323 5026 973 846 1806 842 95 97
Tiebreaker 1   1323 5026 973 846 1806 842 99 78
Final 1   1323 5026 973 1983 5015 3674 105 74
Final 2   1323 5026 973 1983 5015 3674 102 84

FIRST Championship - Houston - FIRST Robotics Competition

  April 17 to April 20, 2019

Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Newton
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Einstein 3   Sat 4/20 - 2:57 PM 2122 4192 2046 1323 5026 973 95 106
Einstein 5   3310 948 254 1323 5026 973 127 100
Einstein 7   1678 1939 7179 1323 5026 973 121 126
Einstein 11   1323 5026 973 179 498 971 117 115
Einstein 15   1323 5026 973 2907 148 3847 130 80
Einstein Final 1   3310 6986 254 1323 5026 973 117 106
Einstein Final 2   3310 6986 254 1323 5026 973 98 119
Einstein Final Tiebreaker   3310 6986 254 1323 5026 973 103 114